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I have been capturing images with a camera since age 10, when my closest Cousin bought me a 110 "flip camera" for $5 at our neighborhood store. From there I moved on to 35mm point-and-shoot cameras - to a Pentax K1000 - to digital cameras - to smartphone cameras (currently a Samsung Galaxy Note 8).

My favorite subjects are flowers and vegetables from my Mother's gardens, my weekly gift of a dozen roses from my Boyfriend, and flowers that catch my eye out in the World. I also love photographing anything that strikes me as funny, fun, beautiful, different (and beautiful), etc.

I was born and raised just north of Boston, MA, and earned a BFA/BSEd through the joint program between the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Tufts University. However, my art "education" began as soon as I could sit up on my own at my maternal Grandmother's kitchen table, drawing with bits of #2 pencils on the heavy white paper found in hosiery packaging...and also at my paternal Grandparents' kitchen counter, drawing with crayons in a Doodle Pad.